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Which type of Communicator are you?


In every business platform, the need to for advertising involves creating a story about one’s product or service. We can have a brilliant advertising plan but if we fail to communicate it well, the plan goes down the drain. This is why it is always important to understand your target market. Whether you’re selling a product or service, you need to convince your customers why should they pick yours.

There are three types of communicators, a story seller, a businessman and a comedian, all of which each gave their commencements speeches in various universities.

As a fresh grad a few years back, I remember how I was filled with uncertainty with what I wanted to do coming down from the hill from Loyola Schools. I didn't need to hear a complex speech about the world I was about to face but a simple practical way to conquer it.

In Bill Gates' commencement speech in Harvard University back in 2007, Bill iterates how the graduates in front of him are more fortunate than he was during his time in Harvard. They are made aware and given the resources to know more about the world and its inequities. And through the the use of technology equipped with the knowledge and solutions can help solve these complex issues the world faces.

Another point in his speech shows where he says,

"Do more for others who have less." - Bill Gates

I truly admire Bill Gates, his accomplishments from creating Microsoft at such a young age to becoming a full-time philanthropist who continues on making a world a better place through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He continues to combat the polio disease, creating new sewage technologies for underdeveloped nations and strives to find cleaner renewable energy sources. He spends billions of his wealth for these social causes and devotes all his time in solving the problems of those in society who have no voice and are often forgotten.

He narrates how his mother told him that line stated above when he was admitted to Harvard and until this very day, still remembers and continues to do what his mother once told him.

Personally, I felt his speech was more on the business and philanthropy side, which were his expertise and less on a relatable note for me.

The next is Will Ferrell's commencement speech. It's a mix of inspirational and his laugh-out-loud humour about his experiences and lessons on success. Three valuable lessons I learned from his speech:

People will always doubt you

There will always be others who will question and pull you down but don't let them. Learn to believe in yourself, pay attention to you GUT and go beyond your fears. Live without "what ifs" and regrets.

Reaching your dreams takes time

In relation to the first point, don't be afraid to dream big. In order to achieve This is what will inspire you to do and strive for more. In doing so, it takes time and hard work to reach one's dreams. There will be times where failure is inevitable but learn to stand up every time and persevere.

Success is more than just fame and money

Part of reaching one's dreams is attaining success. Success is not measured by quantity of people who love and adore you or your net worth. Success is beyond yourself. Will states how "empathy and kindness are true signs of emotional intelligence." He reminds us that we must stay humble and rooted when we attain success.

In the 2005 Stanford commencement address of Steve Jobs to the graduation class, he narrates the outline of his speech with 3 stories from his own personal experience.

First is to Connect the Dots

The first dot is how he dropped out of college like his biological mom who dropped also out. His reason was he did not know what he wanted to do and college would not have helped him. It would be a waste of his adoptive parents’ savings.

The second dot was after he dropped out, he was able to pick the classes that actually made sense to him and where he wanted to learn things. He was particularly fond of the typography class he took but did not know how to apply it in real life.

Which comes to his third dot, he was able to apply typography in the first Macintosh.

Love and Lost

At the age of 30, he was fired from the company he established but he was still in love with Apple. He learned to accept this and start again. He established “Next” & “Pixar” and met his wife. Funny enough, both of these companies were purchased by Apple and eventually Jobs was part of Apple again. Steve iterates that we must find what we love and believe is great work. This will keep you on track when the going gets tough


This stage in life clears out the old for the new. This is why we must live everyday like its your last day because our time is limited. We shouldn’t be trapped by norms and pressure of others. Just follow your heart and intuition.

All three speakers gave great memorable commencement speeches but if I had to pick, my personal choice would be that of Steve Jobs. Why? Because of his delivery and ideas. They were simple, straight to the point and organized yet very powerful. He gave an outline of his speech from the very beginning and expanded on each idea with his own personal story which we can all relate to. It is no surprise as to why his simple speech from more than 10 years ago can still significantly impact us even when he is already gone. He used his own experiences and narrated his vulnerability and hardships to show us all that we can relate to him as we also encounter problems at different points in life. Yet he narrated on how we must just continuously strive after each downfall, stick to our passion, what you like doing and things will come your way.

Even with tough competition in the market, Apple still strives because of its deeper connection to the consumers.

In loving memory of Steve Jobs.


Stay Tuned & Stay Hungry!


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