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Marketing Template & Results


First is to determine the Marketing Template to be used

Personally, the shorter and more concise, the better for me because as previously discussed in Content Marketing, we, marketers, need to grab the attention of our audience right away. Don't make it too long and boring that they will just click to another site for information.

In relation to the on-going marketing campaign my group is conducting for the account of The Foodie Takes Flight (TFTF), this is what we can apply:

11 Ps should easy to remember!

1. Profile

TFTF is the passion project of Jessica Uy - a young vegan cook

The use of the SCI-OEM as the metric in order to help us marketers with presenting our Marketing Campaign Results can be utilized parallel to the 11Ps starting here.

SCI-OEM stands for:

S - Situation or 2. Present

C - Challenge or 3. Problem I - Insight or 4. Proposition

O - Options (7. Product, 8. Price, 9.Place) E - Execution or 10. Promotion M - Metrics or 11. Panalo

2. Present (Situation)

  • Based on my personal experience, as a consumer, I've noticed how the consumer behavior nowadays has transitioned into a healthier lifestyle and with the pandemic, more individuals prefer to stay home, cook their own meals and resort to the internet for recipes.

3. Problem (Challenge)

  • Expand the reach of TFTF in Facebook, the largest social media website, that can increase her consumer reach.

4. & 5. Proposition and Positioning (Insights)

  • Relatability of the TFTF as a source of easy homemade healthy recipes using staple everyday home ingredients


  • These should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timebound).

6. Market Size

  • Through the utilization of Social Media Platforms, TFTF was able to gain a foothold not only in the Philippine market, but in the global setting that makes her business limitless.

7. Product

  • Recipes from Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Desserts

  • From Asian to Western Cuisines

8. Price

  • Recipes are free and available to everyone via TFTF website.

  • However, for an E-book file of the Vegan Kitchen is sold at USD 18.99

9. Place

  • TFTF has already gained presence in terms of search-ability -- presence in Google as a vegan recipe name, videos in Youtube, Recipe Snapshots and Updates on Instagram and Photos in Pinterest

  • TFTF should increase her visibility in more social media platforms aside from Instagram. With the help of the FB Business Manager, creation of ADs about her brand to gain more followers. This is realistic and measurable.

10. Promotion (Execution)

  • Launch of Facebook paid Advertisements

  • E-Contest in Facebook to gain more followers in FB thru soft marketing -- tagging of 3 friends to also like the brand and subscribe to her Youtube channel

11. Panalo (Metrics)

  • Quantitative Result vs Target -- Prior to the start of the AD Campaign and E-Contest, TFTF had around 12k+ followers in Facebook. The campaign targets to increase the followers by at least 20%.

  • Learnings -- to follow when results come out in 7 days.


Stay Tuned & Stay Hungry!


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