Like it or not, we all have become dependent on the Internet. I'm just lucky that I'm a millennial and was able to experience both old school type of media, like books, going to the library for information and more, and also the continuous transformation of technology.
I still remember the first cellphone I got back in 2002, it was a Nokia 3310 and my parents got me a phone as a means of communication whenever I was in my after-school activities. There was definitely no "Wi-fi" or mobile data. It was a chunky phone that I only used to call my mom or play the game "Snake."

My first Cellphone in 2002
Back then, Internet was obtained through pre-paid load cards and I remember having to "dial" and connect my computer to the internet first before any page would pop-up. I remember there was only "Friendster" back then and Yahoo! Messenger as mere communication websites, but are not even counted as social media.
Today, almost 20 years later, technology advanced beyond what we all could ever imagine. Almost everyone in cities has a smart phone. In fact, 3.8 billion people worldwide use the Internet! Internet Usage increased from 33% in 2014 to 50% in 2019. Technology really has become a part of our lives. It is our means of communication, livelihood (e-commerce) and source of resources.
The Philippines is actually the Number 1 in Internet Usage. According to Hootsuite:
"Internet users in the Philippines spend an average of 9 hours and 45 minutes per day online"
Thats easily 41% of our day!! Worldwide average is at 6 hours and 43 minutes.
The Philippines is also the number 1 in Social Media Penetration. I noticed how Filipinos, rich or poor, has mobile data. This is why almost every Filipino has a Facebook account as it is the easiest and fastest way to connect.
I checked my own internet usage and this is what comes out:

Based on my daily average usage, I use the Internet at least 5 hours daily. I also depend more on Instagram rather than Facebook. Fortunately, I am below the 9 hour 45 minutes usage and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to end up like a zombie hooked into the Internet or an Internet slave and to strain my eyesight even more. Reading the newspaper or a book or listening to a podcast or radio as there are still good channels to get updates. I know the world will continue to progress as I get older and I will accept that but being a Millennial, I still enjoy the old school ways of some aspects of life.

Eaten alive by the Internet
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